How To Fix Quickly Battery Drain On Android Devices

If you are in such predicament, you charge your smartphone, as soon as it gets to 50%, it will quickly reduced to 20%, and before you know it, your smartphone is hot and switched off.
I know this battery issue drain is common with most smartphones and some few others know how to fix it for those experiencing the draining stuff. 
Advance Task Killer (ATK) is often use to kill applications and clean memory. 

Where Can I Download ATK?
Download it ==>here

How to use it a for new users?
ATK is pretty simple. Open this tool and take a look at the running applications list? Un-check some apps you don’t want to kill (such as Advanced Task Killer and some system apps) Tap the button ‘Kill selected apps’, it will kill all applications checked.

What is ignore list/ignore?
Ignore list is for you to ignore some app you don’t want to kill. If you long press on the app listed on the main screen of "ATK", the menu will come up, then you can select ‘Ignore’, the application would be moved to ignore list. When you tap ‘Kill selected apps’, it won’t be killed any more.

What is Auto Kill?
If you want to kill apps automatically you need to choose one of auto-kill level

  1. Safe: Only kill the apps aren’t running but still consume memory.
  2. Aggressive: Kill the apps running background and apps aren’t running.
  3. Crazy: All apps except for apps you are using with.

This application is good handy and it will help you to save your battery usage regardless of the kind of phone you are using.
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